Say His Name: A Mother's Grief
Media Kit
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Grief makes us uncomfortable. We expect the bereaved to pop a Prozac and move on—dive into volunteer work, organize a 5K, start a foundation—or at least get back to normal. But sometimes Grief has other ideas, keeping mourners locked in its grip for decades and erasing their self-image and sense of purpose.
Say His Name: A Mother's Grief is the true story of a mother's deep, prolonged grief after the accidental death of her sixteen-year-old son Collin. From five grim days in the hospital to heartbreaking firsts and grief tornadoes that strike at will, Susan Glynn Robinson lays open her despair and paralysis and provides an intimate look into how death ravaged her family.
It's not all sad. Collin's indomitable personality interjects light moments amid the pain, and you'll fall in love with the captivating boy who was taken too soon. Plus, the outpouring of support from the family's loved ones and community is inspirational.
Most of all, if you can't step around the grief monster lounging in your living room, Say His Name: A Mother's Grief will reassure you that you are not alone—and you don't need fixing. As you follow Susan's quest to understand why children die and what happens after death, you will examine your own faith and develop your own explanations for life's unanswerable questions.
Book Specifications
Title: Say His Name: A Mother's Grief
Author: Susan Robinson
Publisher: Peacock Press
Date of Publication: 12/14/2020
Retail Price: $14.00
ISBN-13: 978-1-7335067-3-1 (Amazon), 9781733506762 (Barnes&Noble)
Genre: Memoir
Pages: 236
Formats: Paperback (Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and local stores); Kindle (Amazon)
I thought grief was just sadness. Then my sixteen-year-old son died.
Say His Name: A Mother's Grief chronicles what it is really like to lose a beloved child--from five grim days in the hospital to grief tornadoes that strike out of the blue to a dark night of the soul and my search for faith. Along the way, you'll be inspired by the outpouring of concern from our family and friends and fall in love with Collin, the remarkable boy who died just as his world was blossoming.
If you are grieving, you'll be reassured that you are not alone and that however you grieve is normal and need not be fixed. If you support someone who has experienced profound loss, the book will show you what it's really like after the flowers are gone.
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Contact Susan
Susan Robinson
Media Requests • Review Copies • Questions
Two-line Bio--20 words, 155 characters
After her family, Susan Robinson loves reading, writing, and teaching. She believes her greatest gift—and mission—is helping others.
Short Bio--52 words, 332 characters
Susan Robinson taught herself to read at four, wrote her first story at six, and taught the neighborhood kids at eight. As a classroom teacher, school librarian, and university writing instructor, she shared these passions with thousands of students. She continues to help others as her books entertain, teach, inspire, and comfort.
Medium Bio--84 words, 532 characters
Susan Robinson taught herself to read at four, wrote her first story at six, and taught the neighborhood kids at eight. As a classroom teacher, school librarian, and university writing instructor, she shared these passions with thousands of students. She reads everything from Seuss to Shakespeare and loves reading aloud to her grandkids. Susan fulfills her mission to help others through picture books that entertain and teach and a memoir that inspires and comforts. Susan lives in Delaware with her husband and Australian Shepherd.
Long Bio--130 words, 817 characters
Susan Robinson taught herself to read at four, wrote her first story at six, and taught the neighborhood kids at eight. As a classroom teacher, teacher of the gifted, school librarian, computer instructor, tutor, and university writing instructor, she shared these passions with thousands of students. Susan reads everything from Seuss to Shakespeare and writes picture books, memoir, essay, and poetry. She also works with authors and business owners as a freelance editor and writing consultant. Being an author lets her spend lots of time reading to and doing crafts with her grandchildren and playing her flute and guitar. She fulfills her mission to help others through picture books that entertain and teach and a memoir that inspires and comforts. Susan lives in Delaware with her husband and Australian Shepherd.
Interview Resources
Bio Talking Points
Teaching career
Writing career
Editing career
Interesting Things about Susan
She once walked on hot coals.
Her favorite place is the beach.
She likes to read to and do crafts with the kids.
Her favorite vacation was when her family rented a villa in Tuscany.
She never expected a picture book to be her first published work.
The book that most moves her is Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.
Her son died when he was sixteen.
She is a grammar maven.
To her son-in-law's dismay and his daughters' delight, she hums a lot.
Her friend Claire and she first met in the playpen and have been friends for 66 years.
She also works as an editor and voice actor.
Interview Topics / Sample Interview Questions
The Book--Say HIs Name: A Mother's Grief
• Why did you write Say His Name: A Mother's Grief?
• Who would like / benefit from this book?
• What do you hope readers will take away from reading the book?
• Explain the book's multigenre approach.
• What is your favorite part of the book?
• What was the hardest part to write?
• Why did it take 22 years to bring the book to publication?
• What is complicated grief, and whom does it affect?
• What myths do people hold about grief, and how can we dispel them?
• Why is it important for people to understand grief?
• How can we best help our grieving loved ones?

"I'm only 4 pages in and I already have half of it highlighted bc I love it so much ... I'm in awe of you.
I'm sitting here feeling like I'm standing in that hospital with you, and everything you're saying is exactly what I would have done or said or felt. I can already tell that your words are going to bring comfort to countless people.
I couldn't stop reading last night, it is so so good."
--Munchie C.
"I have a couple of books that I've used over the years as a touchstone or a tool to reset the lens through which I look at the world--Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl for instance. Say His Name by Susan Robinson is going on that shelf. I know I'll use it to help reframe reality when I feel myself getting off track, as we all do. This is a hard look at grief through the author's experience of living through the tragedy of a lifetime ... Every parent should read this ... Every page was a reminder of the beauty and fragility of life. Every line serves as a passionate plea to remember why we're here and how quickly and easily things can change."
--Jason R.

"I not only think it is a wonderful tribute to Collin but I truly believe there are people out there who will benefit from you sharing your story."
--Kim S.